
I’m Out

“Christian Singer Walks Out of Grammys”

This headline, referring to Natalie Grant leaving the Grammys early, really has had me feeling some type of way. That would be INSPIRED! I’ve been reading the devotional “Dare To Be Devoted” coauthored by Grant and though I love and appreciate the wisdom and insight I get from this devotional; it’s nothing compared to seeing the author live out her words so deliberately! This gesture was just enough of a big deal. Natalie was not just another glamorized attendee at the Grammys, she was a nominee and this was, by the way, “the most prestigious music awards show… the biggest night in music!”

The Inspiration:

This is not about being intolerant or judgmental of others because they have different opinions or different beliefs. I’m not talking about being a holier than thou Christian who can’t enjoy a secular tune! I don’t live under a rock nor do I have the desire to. Everyone who knows me knows that I’m a music lover, am quite amused by pop culture and have found interest in my share of ratchetness (Just being real). I don’t believe that you can influence the world if you don’t  know what’s going on in it.

However, when you find yourself in a setting, around people acting in ways or speaking things that are in conflict with your spirit in that moment. When you are no longer amused or lighthearted. When you feel the shift in the atmosphere. When you feel like something about your spirit is at risk. When maybe you don’t have as much control over what goes in and what comes out (of you). When your spirit is on the defensive and you want to close your eyes and wrap your arms around yourself as a means of protection.  This is when you should dare to get up and walk out. I have not always had the courage to Walk Out! I don’t necessarily like rocking the boat and all too often I concern myself with the opinions of others.

These situations are different for everyone and the decision to get up and walk out is personal. Only you know the tone of your spiritual relationship and only you can gauge when enough is enough. You, alone, are responsible for taking action when you feel God has compelled you to move. Sometimes this is solely about you, sometimes it’s about what you represent and sometimes it’s about the someone who’s watching you!

You rarely know the reason upfront… you only know that God has called you to get up and walk out.